I think the Chanel dress was at the evening reception, and the other one (which I didn’t like by the way, but I do not appreciate this vintage at all. The collar was too large on the shoulders, like an old tee she had buried out of her teen oldies. Not elegant) was at the church.
The Chanel’s was looking vintage as well, but much more elegant. You know, the dress looked well cut.
As for my wedding dress stories. Well! I got plenty: I like to call all the dresses I don at my friend’s wedding my wedding dress (not my bride dress!). I start to chase the perfect mix of dress/ shoes and accessories when I got my invite. Sometimes, it spans one year like for my cousin wedding this summer. I started last summer. I collect style notes over time to get back to ideas I’d ruled out, just in case (evernote is fantastic for that) If this is not a wedding dress story …
Par : Gaelle